Lorraine Bubar
Lorraine Bubar is an artist, art educator, and passionate advocate for the arts. She is a native of Los Angeles and received her BA from UCLA. She studied animation at Yale University and her short independent films won numerous awards at animation festivals around the world. Bubar spent the first part of her career working with watercolors, which then allowed her to transition into papercutting by using stencils and x-acto knives to cut through the watercolors. Her interest in papercutting developed out of a love of traveling the world, hiking in its mountains, and a desire to honor its diverse cultures through an art form that crosses the boundaries of culture, art, and craft. Her work advanced when she realized that so many cultures ranging from Eastern Europe and China to Mexico, utilize papercutting for a variety of purposes.
Bubar’s papercuts intimate the intricate layers of life. She creates bold color contrasts and lacey textural patterns to indicate the duality between the fragility and strength found in paper itself.
Bubar has taught animation at Santa Monica College as well as drawing, painting and printmaking to middle school and high school students in West Los Angeles. She has a Teaching Credential and a Master of Arts in Art Education from California State University, Los Angeles. She has exhibited all over the country, as well as internationally. One of her ventures include The Mail Art Exchange Project at LACMA and at Mar Vista Elementary School where hundreds of local artists create artwork for students from the Los Angeles area. Inspired by America’s beautiful landscape, Bubar is one of the 2016 Artists-in-Residence for Zion National Park and has also won first place at the Yosemite Renaissance XXXI.