Pamela Owens
Pam’s pottery studies began with seven years of pottery apprenticeship, the traditional method of pottery study. Beginning in 1975, she studied for two years at High Mowing School, a small Waldorf School in New Hampshire, under the guidance of Isobel Karl. After a three week study program at Wolff Pottery in Connecticut, Jugtown Pottery was her first working pottery experience. There she learned throwing skills through practice and watching Vernon Owens. The apprentices also worked in the glaze room and the sales cabin.
Returning to New Hampshire to attend University, Pam worked, throwing early American reproduction ware and loading kilns as part of the employment/apprentice process. In 1979, she apprenticed at the Cheshire pottery and returned to Jugtown in 1980 to continue her studies. In 1983, she and Vernon were married and have worked together since.
In addition to making pots, Pam develops glazes and firing techniques. Having come from New England and with potter Daniel Goodale (c. 1840) in her mother’s family lineage, Pam is influenced by early American northern and southern wares as well as the classical forms that Jugtown became known for. Her work can be seen in various publications and occasional shows. Pam serves currently as a North Carolina Pottery Center Board Member. She oversees the museum at Jugtown Pottery where she lives and works.