Twining workshop with Ferne Jacobs
Explore the technique of twining, which is a weaving technique that can be done in one’s lap, not requiring a loom. Twining relates to weaving in that it involves the twining of horizontal threads through a vertical warp. Two and three dimensional projects are possible.
Students who have taken the coiling class and are currently working on a coiling project, and would like to learn how to add twining, are welcome as well. You will be asked to learn the basic technique in the morning, but in the afternoon the focus can shift. (If you are going to do this, bring a quantity of material that you are using for the coiling part).
Ferne will emphasize the creative process and potential for innovation.
The workshop fee is $150.00, which includes the warp for all students. 12 student limit.
Students are requested to bring the following:
- Needles (options: medium tapestry, curved, repair; no fine sewing needles).
- Any of the following: Weaving and knitting yarns, waxed linen thread (7 ply), soft cords: these materials will be the ones that will be seen. They will totally cover the warp.
- Good sharp scissors
The health and safety of our visitors and staff is our top priority. We request that everyone wear a face mask when inside the museum.