Ofelia Esparza segment
BORDERS episode Ofelia Esparza segment, including Self Help Graphics & Art and the Day of the Dead celebration at Grand Park in Los Angeles. PBS premiere: Friday, September 29, 2017.
Ofelia Esparza, educator and life-long artist, is an altarista, a master altar maker who teaches the meaning and history of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and the altars that commemorate loved ones who have passed away. She began this work in 1979 at Self Help Graphics & Art, Los Angeles, CA, alongside founder Sister Karen Boccalero. Ofelia’s strong commitment to keep Mexican tradition of Día de los Muertos alive in the US is visible in the heartfelt beauty of the community altars that she designs annually for the celebrations at Grand Park in Los Angeles.
The video below is in Spanish.
El siguiente video está en español.